Frequently Asked Questions

Booking your retreat

Your booking is confirmed once we receive your registration form and deposit. We require a 25% deposit on booking, and the remaining 75% to be paid in cash once you arrive at our center. We accept either US dollars or Peruvian soles.

In Peru, only new bills will be accepted. Please, prepare new bills from your bank within your country. ATMs in Peru have limited range of access. We do not accept credit cards, travellers cheques or personal cheques.

If we have any additional questions regarding your medical history, we will reach out prior to the retreat.

We ask you to pay a deposit of 25% of the total price in advance. Once we receive your deposit, your spot is reserved. 

If you cancel your trip, we can issue a voucher for a later stay in exceptional cases. In principle, however, there is no refund. The deposit is a security for the center, so that there are no last-minute cancellations and a financial loss.

About our center

Our ayahuasca is made fresh at the center exclusively from ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves. We purchase ayahuasca vine from local growers in Llanchama and the surrounding area. We purchase chacruna leaves from Shipibo cultivators in Pucallpa, which are then sent by plane to Iquitos.

We work exclusively with Ayahuasca and Amazonian Master Plants regarding the Shipibo tradition. 

Our buffet food is prepared in the respect of the traditional plant Shipibo diet and also suits a vegan/vegetarian diet consisting of rice, potatoes, lentils, pasta, beans, plantains, eggs, some vegetables, fish, oatmeal, apples, bananas and tea. If you are vegetarian or vegan our kitchen staff will gladly help to provide you with the food you need.

The grounds of Nihue Rao is not a heavy mosquito area, however, if you want avoid mosquitos, we advise you to book a retreat in the hottest months of the year; late July through October. The rainy season usually begins in late December and goes through until the end of April. During this time the mosquito/bug population increases. We do our best to keep mosquito bites to a minimum by enclosing all of our structures with mosquito netting. Mosquitos are more prominent during dawn and dusk, during these times we recommend wearing long pants and socks, or using a natural mosquito repellent.

Our center is open 365 a year and all our retreat programs start on every Sunday at 2 p.m. We prefer that you arrive in Iquitos on Saturday as this is our intake day. We do ask you to book a flight that will arrive in the morning at the Iquitos airport at least before noon, in order to be able to reach our center before nightfall. Also, the day of your departure we advise you to book a return flight which will leave Iquitos in the afternoon.

If you are interested in booking a retreat at our center, please wait for confirmation of availability and clearance of your medical information before you proceed to book your flights.

We are located in the jungle near the small village of Llanchama beside the Nanay river where you can enjoy small walks and a swim. We also have an art space, supplies are provided for painting, drawing and creativity. We have an on-site gym with weights and other exercise equipment, as well as yoga mats for your own personal practice. Twice weekly, massages are offered for a small additional fee. There are also hammocks for resting and a small book collection for reading.

We have three to four group meetings per week with our shamans to share our ceremony experiences and to learn about Ayahuasca and plant medicines. We often also hold sharing circles as well as movie and game nights.

Our staff can organize day tours to visit local jungle flora and fauna, river boat trips, or other activities with a local guide. These trips require an extra fee, please inquire if you are interested.

Note that if you are dieting a master plant during your stay, it is not recommend to leave the center while your diet is open. If you do plan to leave the center for any reason, please let our team know ahead of time so that Maestro Ricardo can protect you and your diet before you leave.

We do have Starlink WiFi available for 24/7 in our common lounge and dining room area. Our WiFi is fairly consistent, but because we are in a remote location it may be unavailable for short periods of time.

The grounds of Nihue Rao are spacious, beautiful and home to several breeds of loving dogs, cats, birds and monkeys. These animals are graciously cared for by the staff, and we welcome you to make a donation to our animal fund. If you have any allergies or heath constraints, please bring the appropriate medications to suit your needs (Benadryl, Claritin, Cortisone).

We are a small center with limited space for work-trade program. We generally prefer to invite volunteers that have previously spent time at our center for their healing. During your first process we are able to see if we are a good fit for each other and from that point we will consider a possible work trade in the future.

The standard program requires a minimum commitment of 3 months: 2 months of work (and drinking!) followed by 1 month of diet. If you feel called to this work, please contact us or apply here.

Preparing for your retreat

It is recommended (but optional) to diet beforehand following the guidelines of the traditional Shipibo Ayahuasca diet.

10 days prior to your diet, we recommend adhering to a soft food diet. This means you stop eating or drinking: pork and red meat, dairy, caffeine, junk food, processed foods, and high saturated fats/oils. We also recommend no alcohol, drugs or sex during this pre-diet. You should also reduce, but not completely remove: salt, sugar and oil.

On the morning of your first ceremony, we will also have you drink a plant-based purgative to cleanse you and prepare you for your treatment.

The climate in the Amazon in general is hot and humid. Temperatures usually range from 18 to 28 Degrees Celsius / 64 to 82 Degrees Fahrenheit with rain showers. It is advisable to pack:

– loose, lightweight summer clothing (quick-dry material is ideal)
– white or light colored clothing for ceremony
– a hat for the sun
– long pants and a light sweater
– socks
– sandals or flip flops
– a rain jacket or umbrella

Additionally, we recommend packing:

– a small flash light preferable with a red light setting for ceremony
– extra batteries for your flashlight
– a journal to write in
– sun screen
– a bathing suit
– a water bottle
– sunglasses
– a lighter

It is advisable to pack an overnight bag in your carry-on luggage. In rare cases luggage may arrive late.

We recommend using natural body products, without strong scents/perfumes.

Our center will provide all of these amenities for you. The water provided is filtered and safe to drink.

We do not recommend consuming any food outside of what is provided at our center while you are dieting.

North American and European plugs are compatible with our electrical outlets.

Everything is included in the price of your retreat, aside from massages, artisan goods, day-trip excursions, and the return ride to the airport.

We sell traditional tobacco (Mapacho) and a cleaning perfume (Agua de Florida) that is used in ceremony. There are also opportunities for traditional medicinal massages that start at 100 soles per session. If you choose to go into town the cost is around 70 Soles (19 US dollars) each way, and the departure fee to the airport is 50 Soles. We recommend bringing anywhere from 100 to 400 US Dollars. Please note we do not exchange money at the center. Change US Dollars into Soles when you arrive at the airport in Lima (Iquitos airport has no money exchange), before entering Peru, or you can withdraw soles from ATM machines available at the airport and in Iquitos (although this quantity will be limited by your bank).

There are ATM machines available in Lima, in the Iquitos airport, as well as in the town of Iquitos. There is often a limit of 200 to 400 US Dollars per day or week, depending on the bank and your bank card. If you choose to pay for your stay in cash it is advisable to bring your money with you. It is also advisable to notify your bank that you will be in Peru.

Our center is about an hour from the Iquitos airport and an hour and half from downtown Iquitos. Depending on the season we will transport you either by motorcar or motorcar and a short boat ride. We will make arrangements for your arrival and departure transportation. Transportation from the airport to the center is included in the cost of your stay. We ask you that you pay your way out, which costs 50 Soles to the airport.

We are located near the Iquitos airport in Peru (Cornel FAP Francisco Secada Vignetta International Airport). The airport code is IQT.

Copa Airlines flies directly to Iquitos, while other airlines fly into the International Airport in Lima, Peru. From Lima there are 3 airlines that fly directly to Iquitos. These airlines are LATAM, Starperu, and Peruvian Airlines. You can buy your ticket from Lima to Iquitos online or at the Lima airport.

  • Candles for our lounge and community areas
  • Art supplies, especially acrylic paint of all colors and brushes
  • Chocolate, nuts and other snacks for our shamans and staff
  • Any used articles of clothing or shoes to give to the locals in need
  • Pens, pencils and paper for the local children
  • Balls and/or other types of children’s toys and games
  • Medicine for pain, fevers, decongestants, digestive aids, etc.

Ayahuasca is legal in Peru. The Peruvian government declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation, “the traditional knowledge and use of the ayahuasca practiced by the indigenous native communities of the Amazon…”

941 Calle Los Angeles Asent. Modelo San Juan Bautista Maynas Iquitos – Peru  ::  WhatsApp / Phone: +51 910 316 715  ::  E-mail:

© 2024 Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual