Our Medicine

Meet Mother Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is the powerful, ancestral, plant medicine of the Amazon. Long used by tribes such as the Shipibos, it is medicine for the body, but also for the mind, the heart and the soul.

When drinking ayahuasca, you enter the spirit world where the roots of your ailments lie. There, Mother Ayahuasca guides you, heals you and even empowers you to heal yourself. Her power and ability is so broad, it is safe to say that she can help you with more than you imagine.

Our Ayahuasca

The ayahuasca brew we serve at Nihue Rao is made fresh on-site by our medicine staff. Respecting the tradition of the ancient shamans, we brew it solely with ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves, as the medicine herself intends it.

The two plants work together to give you a powerful medicinal trance, as the ayahuasca vine opens up the spiritual world, and the chacruna brings forth the visions within it.

Our ayahuasca ceremonies

We hold ceremonies 4 times per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Pasajeros begin to arrive to our maloka at 7:30 PM on those nights, and ceremony begins at 8 PM. When ceremony begins, each pasajero comes forward individually to drink the medicine before returning to their mat to begin their process. However, we do not require you to drink ayahuasca to receive spiritual treatment–you can receive great healing simply by being within the maloka and receiving an ícaro. 

Approximately 45 minutes after drinking the medicine, the full effect opens up and the shamans begin to sing their opening songs. Throughout the ceremony, each pasajero is brought to a shaman to receive a personal healing song (ícaro) based on their personal healing and cleaning intentions. The shaman may also smoke mapacho (pure, natural tobacco), or spread perfumes to complete a treatment.

Safety & comfort

During and after the ceremony, our experienced facilitators are available and ready to give any kind of help and support to anyone who may need it. Typical effects of ayahuasca may include nausea, vomiting, or going to the bathroom. Each pasajero is given a bucket to use at his or her disposal, and toilets are located approximately 30 feet from the maloka.

Ceremony generally finishes around 12 AM and on closing, you are free to return to your room or to enjoy the space in silence, in gentle chat, or in song/music.

Integration conversations

Three times a week, on a day following ceremony, we all gather to share our ceremony and diet experiences, and to receive guidance from Maestro Ricardo Amaringo. An English-Spanish translator leads these integration conversations with the Maestro.

Throughout your time at Nihue Rao, you are supported by an experienced international team who speak English (and often other languages). They are available to facilitate your experience, listen, and offer guidance on how to work with the medicine and set your cleaning intentions.

The Heart of Ayahuasca Is Here

Mother Ayahuasca is calling you...

Join us for a retreat and experience the true medicine.

Ayahuasca is legal in Peru. The Peruvian government declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation, “the traditional knowledge and use of the ayahuasca practiced by the indigenous native communities of the Amazon…”

941 Calle Los Angeles Asent. Modelo San Juan Bautista Maynas Iquitos – Peru  ::  WhatsApp / Phone: +51 918 293 372 ::  E-mail: nihuerao@gmail.com

© 2024 Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual